SPO600 Servers

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Backup Your Data
These computers are NEVER backed up. Please save all important files on other storage. These machines may be removed or reinstalled at any time.

In SPO600, remote access to servers is provided for learning and project work. It is recommended that you also set up a personal Linux system.

Preparatory Steps

In order to gain access to these computers, you must send an SSH key to your professor.

  1. Follow the steps outlined under Using Public Keys with SSH to create your key.
  2. Copy the public key (id_rsa.pub or id_dsa.pub) to a file named yourUserId.pub -- for example, if your Seneca user ID is "jldoe", save the key in the file jldoe.pub using a command such as: cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub jldoe.pub
  3. Attach that file to an e-mail message and send it to chris.tyler@senecacollege.ca including the course code "SPO600" somewhere in the subject line.

An account will be created within a few work days of sending the key.

Check Your Key!
Your professor uses an automated script to create accounts, so the key must be valid, in the OpenSSH format, and correctly named in order to work successfully.

Available Servers



The first server is an ARMv8 AArch64 system known as aarchie or archie. This is a system that is currently located inside the EHL. To connect to this system, you have to go through the EHL gateway on port 2200.

If you're using a command-line ssh system, and you are on the Seneca network, you can issue a command such as this:

ssh -p 2200 username@ehl.internal.cdot.systems

To connect from outside Seneca:

ssh -p 2200 username@ehl.cdot.systems


The second server is an ARMv8 AArch64 system known as betty (or bbetty). This system is also located inside the EHL but is a different type of server than aarchie. To connect to this system, you need to connect through the EHL gateway on port 2201.

If you're using a command-line ssh system, and you are on the Seneca network, you can issue a command such as this:

ssh -p 2201 username@ehl.internal.cdot.systems

To connect from outside Seneca:

ssh -p 2201 username@ehl.cdot.systems



Our x86_64 server is known as xerxes. To connect to it from within Seneca, issue this command:

ssh username@xerxes.internal.cdot.systems

You can't yet connect to xerxes from outside Seneca, so connect to a system inside Seneca first and then use the command above. Check back to this page to find out if/when external access is available.

Simplified SSH Access

If you're using OpenSSH (the ssh client used on most Linux systems and other platforms), you can simplify complex ssh command lines by placing host connection details in the file ~/.ssh/config. For example, to access aarchie from outside Seneca, you could add this entry:

Host "aarchie"
    user "jdoe"
    hostname "ehl.cdot.systems"
    port 2200

And then you could access aarchie by simply typing:

ssh aarchie

Sudo Access

To perform operations which require privilege, such as installing software, use the sudo command to execute the desired instruction as the root user.

For example, to install the software packaged ncurses-devel, execute: sudo dnf install ncurses-devel or sudo yum install ncurses-devel

Stop (medium size).png
Danger! Use Superuser privilege at your Own Risk.
Note that the use of the superuser account via sudo removes almost all restrictions on what you can do. It is easily possible for you to completely destroy the operating system! Take your time, double-check your commands, and if in doubt, ask. Be aware that your actions may affect other users and vice-versa.
Stop (medium size).png
Do Not Build or Install Software Except Via RPM (dnf/yum)
Do not build or install software as the root user (using sudo), except in RPM form using the dnf or yum commands. Building or installing software as root may overwrite system files and be very difficult to track down.

It is OK to install software into your own directories (e.g., ~/bin or ~/local), which can be done without root privilege.

In order to use sudo, you will need to know your password. An initial password is provided in the file ~/password (different on each server) -- feel free to change this with the passwd command.

Multiuser Access

Remember that these machines are multi-user systems. Use the w or who commands to see who else is using them; you can also try using the write command to communicate with another user if required.