RSS oop344-20113 IRClog nov9
From CDOT Wiki
Session Start: Wed Nov 09 20:38:28 2011 Session Ident: #RSS_oop344 [20:38] * Now talking in #RSS_oop344 [20:38] * Topic is 'RSS' [20:38] * Set by NULLbyte_! on Wed Nov 09 20:32:10 [20:38] <@NULLbyte_> kk he is in [20:39] <@NULLbyte_> kk so start with the main thing we r suppos to do [20:40] <mdafidchao> everyone should be able to take one class [20:40] <mdafidchao> there is cbutton, cvaledit, ccheckmark and cmenuitem [20:40] <@NULLbyte_> nah man too is done isnt it [20:40] <@NULLbyte_> ?? [20:41] <@NULLbyte_> well we are workin on cbutton [20:41] <@NULLbyte_> the (c section) [20:41] <robertoisaula> santiago, sezar and roberto (the c section we are working on cbutton) so lets forget about that one [20:41] <@NULLbyte_> and didnt u finish clineedit [20:41] <@NULLbyte_> ?? [20:41] <mdafidchao> so that leaves cvaledit, ccheckmark and cmenuitem [20:42] <@NULLbyte_> yea [20:42] <@NULLbyte_> let do it like last time [20:42] <@NULLbyte_> remmeber [20:42] <mdafidchao> each of these can be handled by one person [20:42] <mdafidchao> even cbutton [20:43] <@NULLbyte_> kk well how about we(c sec) do cbottun and another one (big one ) and the rest is for u and the other guy [20:43] <mdafidchao> they're all small [20:43] <mdafidchao> according to fardad anyway [20:44] <@NULLbyte_> kk then the biggest out of all of them [20:44] <mdafidchao> i guess valedit would be the biggest [20:44] <robertoisaula> yeah how does that sound [20:45] <@NULLbyte_> so u do one the other person does another one and (c sec) well do two.. [20:45] <robertoisaula> well fardad hasnt put the percentage yet [20:45] <robertoisaula> so it's hard to figure it out yet [20:45] <mdafidchao> but he's mentioned "50 lines" a bunch of times in class, as well as recommending 1 per person [20:46] <mdafidchao> i guess i can agree on you guys doing valedit and button and us doing checkmark and menuitem [20:47] <@NULLbyte_> ight yea thats good [20:48] <@NULLbyte_> and then the we apply the changes.. [20:48] <robertoisaula> yeah cuz clineedit is done right? [20:48] <@NULLbyte_> yeee [20:50] <robertoisaula> soo? [20:52] <mdafidchao> okay [20:52] <mdafidchao> let ivan know [20:52] <@NULLbyte_> i was ganna say [20:52] <@NULLbyte_> do u talk to him [20:52] <mdafidchao> no [20:52] <@NULLbyte_> É [20:52] <@NULLbyte_> ohh [20:53] <@NULLbyte_> I geuss ill send him an email.. [20:53] <mdafidchao> email him this log [20:53] <mdafidchao> if you want [20:54] <@NULLbyte_> yea ill do it [20:55] <@NULLbyte_> so we r done ehh [20:55] <robertoisaula> hey when i compile tester3 that it is for clineedit [20:55] <mdafidchao> looks like it [20:55] <robertoisaula> i get errors... does this happen to u guys as well? [20:56] <mdafidchao> i haven't tried yet [20:56] <mdafidchao> most likely there's some stuff to be changed though [20:56] <robertoisaula> hbu sezar? [20:56] <@NULLbyte_> yo rob [20:56] <mdafidchao> since fardad has been editing stuff in the older classes [20:56] <@NULLbyte_> y r u using tester 3 [20:56] <@NULLbyte_> ?? [20:57] <robertoisaula> cuz tester 3 is to test clineedit [20:57] <robertoisaula> to see if it works isnt it? [20:57] <mdafidchao> yes [20:57] <@NULLbyte_> we r dont cbottun.. use tester4 [20:57] <@NULLbyte_> oh yea right [20:57] <@NULLbyte_> .. [20:58] <robertoisaula> thats why im telling apparently there are some errors on clineedit [20:58] <@NULLbyte_> kk let me see [20:58] <mdafidchao> <mdafidchao> i haven't tried yet [20:58] <mdafidchao> [20:56] <mdafidchao> most likely there's some stuff to be changed though [20:58] <robertoisaula> or could be like michael said, that fardad changed some things and thats why it is not working [20:58] <mdafidchao> [20:56] <mdafidchao> since fardad has been editing stuff in the older classes [20:58] <mdafidchao> at any rate it's mine so i'll look at it [20:59] <mdafidchao> ivan also encountered some problem with clabel's constructor which needs to be fixed for checkmark and menuitem [20:59] <@NULLbyte_> oh yea I should look at that as well [21:00] <robertoisaula> Modify CLabel: [21:00] <robertoisaula> remove _length attribute and use _width of CFrame instead (use void width(int) and int width() to set and get length [21:00] <robertoisaula> Modify CLabel Copy Constructor to the new definition. [21:00] <robertoisaula> thats what says on the wiki page [21:01] <@NULLbyte_> yoo the clineedit is an easy fix!!! [21:01] <robertoisaula> I know i was just saying that it need to be fixed [21:02] <@NULLbyte_> then y didnt u fix it [21:03] <robertoisaula> lol [21:03] <robertoisaula> cuz i just saw it man [21:03] <@NULLbyte_> lol ight [21:06] <@NULLbyte_> u know what I dont know y it isn't workin it should work..??!! [21:07] <robertoisaula> wait im fixing the cuigh.h right now [21:08] <@NULLbyte_> the problem is in clineedit isn't it?? [21:08] <@NULLbyte_> what e u fixing [21:08] <@NULLbyte_> ? [21:09] <robertoisaula> read the to do from r0.3 [21:09] <robertoisaula> it says to fix the cuigh.h [21:10] <@NULLbyte_> ohh i though the problem u told us about the clineedit.. [21:11] <robertoisaula> first im doin this one [21:11] <@NULLbyte_> kk [21:20] <robertoisaula> kk im done with the cuigh.h [21:20] <@NULLbyte_> so what did u do?? [21:21] <robertoisaula> just delete the one we had [21:21] <robertoisaula> and put the new definitions [21:21] <robertoisaula> and changed the keys from cframe to match the ones on cuigh [21:22] <@NULLbyte_> ohh did u commit the change? [21:22] <robertoisaula> yeep i did [21:26] <robertoisaula> ok guys so are we done? [21:26] <@NULLbyte_> i geuss [21:27] <mdafidchao> yeah [21:27] <robertoisaula> ok perfect [21:28] <robertoisaula> lets start working on our task and meet sometime this week to see how we are doing [21:28] <robertoisaula> thru irc [21:28] <@NULLbyte_> ight [21:28] <robertoisaula> later [21:29] <robertoisaula> save the log so we can post it and set it to the other guy