Movie Record - OOP344 20111

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Under construction....

  char name[??];
  char genre[??];      // action, drama, etc....
  char rating;         // integer >=1   <=10
  char OMRating;       // bit pattern set for -> G, PG, 14A, 18A and R
  short int year;      // release year
  char imdbURL[64];
  char director[64];   // directed by
  char producer[??]    // produced by (can be multiple people)
  char writer[64];     // screenwriter       
  short int duration;  // movie length eg. 90min
  char actors[512]     // list of actors, maybe multi dimension array
  char availability;   // DVD, Blu-Ray, Extended, Limited box edition etc
  char oscars[??];     // oscars awards for diff. categories i.e. Best pictures, best actor etc...(too much work though >_>)
  char country[??];    // movie from which country
  char production[??]; // production company i.e. 20th century fox, paramount, WB, Universal Pictures
  char language[20];   // language in which the film was made    
  char synopsis[???];  // short description of film's plot (500 chars?)
  short int budget;    // what did the movie cost to make?
  short int revenue;   // how much profit did the movie return?
  // everyone, keep adding....