The A-Team - OOP344 20113
From CDOT Wiki
OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: 50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 50% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo id: oop344_113rep5
TRUNK Status
Refer to #OOP344-ATEAM for current trunk status.
- committed by
- id: nmayuranathan
- name: Natesh Mayuranathan
- irc nick: Tesh_
- other info: last changes for R0.6
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Duc | Giang | B | dhgiang | dhgiang | dhgiang | Duc's Blog Site |
Travis | Roetcisoender | B | tcroetcisoender | tcroetcisoender1 | Travis_R | Travis' Blog |
Natesh | Mayuranathan | B | nmayuranathan | Nmayuranathan | Tesh_ | My Blog |
Gemma(member dropped course - no longer with us ) | Daly | B | gdaly | Daly | gdaly | My Blog |
Sean | Thistle | B | sthistle | sthistle | Yellow-Box_Mk2 | Blog Site |
Coding Standards
- indentation - 2 spaces
- variable names:
e.g. My Birth Date ---> myBirDat column length, Height ----> colLen, colHgt row height, row length ---> rowHgt, rowLen
- coding styles & conventions:
e.g. function() { if(...) { /*some code*/ } else { /*some other code*/ } }
- when you want help, commit and add a status message explaining your problem - also comment area of interest
e.g. if(/*some condition*/){ /*some code*/ //this code does not work for some reason }
- when you change teammates' code, please comment to explain changes:
e.g. OLD: if(/*some condition*/){ /*some code*/ } NEW: if(/*some condition*/){ /*some new code*/ //changed some code to some new code }
- Code the console
- All
- Done
- Code the CField class
- Sean
- Done
- Code the CLabel class
- Natesh, Sean
- Done
- Code the CDialog class
- Travis, Gemma, Duc - Modified By Sean -> Draw, Edit
- Done
- Code the CLineEdit class
- Sean
- Done
- Code the CButton class
- Natesh - Modified By Sean -> Draw, Edit
- Done
- Code the CmenuItem class
- Travis - Modified By Sean -> Draw, Edit
- Done
- Code the CCheckMark class
- Duc - Modified By Sean -> Draw, Edit
- Done
- Code the CValEdit class
- Sean/Duc
- Complete
Modify Console::edit()
- add IsTextEditor and ReadOnly to argument list
- Travis
- done
Modify CCheckMark
- add bool radio(), void radio(bool isRadio), and operator bool() methods
- Duc
- done
- holds an array of CCheckMarks for multiple selections
- Duc
- complete
- a CField for editing multiline text.
- Natesh/Sean
- complete
- Linked List of CMNodes
- Travis
- complete
- Holds a CMenuItem object and its index
- Travis
- complete
- 1st Meeting - Oct 12th 5pm on IRC #OOP344-ATEAM; TOPIC: R0.1
- ATTENDANCE: Gemma Daly, Travis R., Duc G.
- 2nd Meeting - Oct 18th 5pm in OPEN_labs: TOPIC: Updating R.011 to R0.12, Fixing Wiki, naming conventions, IRC Logging.
- Travis R, Natesh M., Duc G.
- 3rd Meeting - Oct 24th 2pm in OPEN LABS; TOPIC: R0.2
- ATTENDANCE: All Members
- 4rd Meeting - Oct 26th 1pm on IRC #OOP344-ATEAM: R0.2 - (Can Someone Confirm The Date And Time Please..Thx)
- ATTENDANCE: All Members
- nth Meeting - Nov 25th 4-6:25 in Open Lab - Topic: Completing R.03; Assigning tasks for 0.6
- ATTENDANCE: Duc, Sean, Natesh
- Meeting [n+1] -Dec 15th in Open Lab - Topic: Collaborating on R0.6 (CText)
- ATTENDANCE: Duc, Travis, Natesh