Teams' List 20113 - OOP344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Use the template below to add your team information to this page under Teams.

== TN ==

[[TN IRC Logs 20113 - OOP344 | IRC meeting logs]]

# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# Member Full Name , Seneca Email ID, IRC nick,  [ Email], Section X
# etc...

[;; Email All]

Replace the following with your team information

  • TN: Your Team name
  • RN: Your svn repository number
  • Member FULL name: Team members' name

After adding your team information to this page, create a separate page for your team using provided template , make sure the page name ends with semester (i.e. My Team 20113 - OOP344 ) and has the following added in content at the very beginning of the page:

{{OOP344 Index | 20113}}

The above adds the main oop344 index to the top of the page for semester 20113




IRC meeting logs

  1. Sandip Patel, smpatel7, smpatel7, Email, Section C
  2. Jitender Singh Dhanda, jsingh180, jay85, Email, Section C
  3. Dzmitry Kavalchyk, dkavalchyk2, RevenTL, Email, Section C
  4. Chad Pilkey, capilkey, cap6, Email, Section C
  5. Pavel Shimko, pshimko, pshimko, Email, Section C

Email All


svn: oop344_113rep2

IRC meeting logs

  1. Clinton Bale, cfbale, psupreme, Email, Section C
  2. Jesse Santos, jsantos13, jas1137, Email, Section C
  3. Agron Danushi, adanushi, Danushi, Email, Section A
  4. Pasquale Agostino Lupia, lpasquale1, BriaN_90, Email, Section A
  5. Viacheslav Yakobson (Slava), vyakobson, hexcellent, Email, Section A

Email All



IRC meeting logs

  1. Jimmy Marmer , jmarmer, ToraReaper, Email, Section A
  2. Justin Robinson , jtrobins, JustinTR, Email, Section A
  3. Dongxu Yu , dyu26, Don_yu, Email, Section A
  4. JunYan Ma , jma75, jma75, Email, Section C
  5. JiHyeon Kim , billkim84, billkim84, Email, Section A

Email All

The Scriveners


IRC meeting logs

  1. David Gurr, dkgurr, David_the_G, Email, Section A
  2. Heonyee An, han6, han6, Email, Section A
  3. Michael Valentine, mwvalentine, Valen_, Email, Section A
  4. Prasanth Vaaheeswaran, pvaaheeswaran, prsnth, Email, Section A
  5. Ryan Dang, qtdang1, byebyebyezzz, Email, Section A

Email ALL

The A-Team


IRC meeting logs

  1. Duc Giang, dhgiang, dhgiang, Email, Section B
  2. Natesh Mayuranathan, nmayuranathan, _Tesh_ Email, Section B
  3. Gemma Daly, gdaly, gemma, gdaly, Section B
  4. Travis Roetcisoender, tcroetcisoender1, Travis_R, Email, Section B
  5. Sean Thistle sthistle, Section B

Team Email



IRC meeting logs

  1. Santiago Antonio Lopez Munoz, salopezmunoz, Kain-18 Salopezmunoz Section C
  2. Sezar Gantous,sganouts, NullByte Sgantous section C
  3. Roberto Isaula , risaula, robertoisaula, Email, Section C
  4. Michael Daniel Afidchao, mdafidchao, mdafidchao/KyperTrast, mdafidchao, Section B
  5. Ivan Dmitry Shibanov, idshibanov, idshibanov, idshibanov, Section A

Email All

A+ Programmers


IRC meeting logs

  1. Hesam Chobanlou, hchobanlou, hchobanlou Email, Section B
  2. Ramone Burrell,raburrell, burrellramone,Email,Section B
  3. Mike Shutov, mshutov , mshutov, Email,Section B
  4. Akash Chandrakant Patel,acpatel4, Akash123, Email,Section B
  5. Ronson Wan, rwan1, Ronsonnn, Email, Section A

Email All



IRC meeting logs

  1. Darren Butcher, dbutcher, hellodarren, dbutcher, Section A
  2. Min Wok Kim, mwkim2, mwkim2, mwkim2, Section C
  3. Yong Seung Lee, yslee11, yslee11, Email, Section B
  4. Ivan Eduardo Salazar Simonovis, iesalazarsimonovis, Iv4n, Email, Section A
  5. Ammar Alwahab,abalwahab,N/A,Email, Section A

Email All


IRC meeting logs

  1. Zhen Shao , zshao4, zshao4 ,zshao4, Section B
  2. Chen Zang , czang1, czang1 ,czang1, Section B
  3. Wilson Leung , wleung21 , wleung21 , wleung21, Section B
  4. Jinghui Liu , jliu164 , jliu , jliu164, Section B
  5. Liang Xue, lxue6, Liang Xue lxue6, Section B

Email All

The Dynamic Cast

IRC meeting logs

  1. Rajbir Karan Singh , rksingh14, rksingh14_ Email, Section B
  2. Manpreet Singh Narang , msnarang , msnarang, Email, Section B
  3. Hardik Sharma , hsharma10, hsharma10, Email, Section B
  4. Nitesh Pradhan , nmpradhan, nmpradhan, Email, Section B
  5. Haseeb Ilyas, hilyas, hilyas, Email, Section B

Email All


IRC meeting logs

  1. Jian Hui Chen,jhchen6, roy, jhchen6, Section B
  2. Sean Andrew Feanny, safeanny, safeanny, Email, Section A
  3. Wong Kwok Ho, kwong67, kkwong, Email, Section B

Email All