Student List 20132 - OOP344

OOP344 Student List for Summer of 2013

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; server.
  • You have a blog for OOP344 either by filtering your posts or a dedicated blog.

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following row to the table (if you are a student in oop344, summer of 2013).

|[[User:WUN|FN]]||LN||[[TPN|TN]]||SEC||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN|WUN]]||IN||GH|| [http://BURL BN]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team Page Name on wiki (Your team page is already created, please see Teams' List 20132 - OOP344)
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SEC: Your OOP344 Section (example: A, B or C)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • GH: Your GitHub ID
  • BURL: Your Blog URL
  • BN: Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

OOP344 - Winter of 2013 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick GITHUB ID Blog URL
Artem Luzyanin Team K A aluzyanin Artem Luzyanin ArtemL ArtemL The Cave
Jungmin Ji Team I A jjungmin Ji Jungmin MistySnake jungminji Jungmin Profile
Shehzin Arshad Team B A sarshad5 Shehzin shahzyn shahzyn tinker
Michael Allison Team E A malliso1 Michael malliso1 malliso1 Mike's Blog
Vadim Namniak Team E B vnamnyak Vadim VadimNamniak namniak Vadim's Blog
Aaron Salud Team A A asalud Aaron asalud aaronsalud Aaron's Blog
Jevon Charran Team C C jscharran Jevon Jevon Charran Jevon's Blog
Philip Lau Team C A plau7 Philip PLau PLau7 Philip's Blog
Brad Stuart Team I B bstuart1 Brad LesterNormal BradStuart Brad's Blog
DONG LI Team C A dli79 Dong Li dong-dli dong-dli Dongdli Wonderland of Coding
Dmitry Olifer Team B A dolifer Dmitry MeatTree DmitryOlifer Dmitry's Blog
Na Li Team B B nli59 Na ivy-li ivy-li Happyivy In Canada
Drew Terrance Kerr Team H A dtkerr Drew Terrance Praefractus TerryKerr Terry's Blog
Zhun Xue Team G A thomas zhun xue []
Herman Hum Team D A hhhum hhhum hhhum hhhum Herman's Blog
Amal Khandelwal Team K A akhandelwal Amal Khandelwal HaydeezPluto amalk Blog
Chenming Xu Team L A cxu38 Chenming Xu cxu38 cxu38 Interesting c++
Arlene Lee Team I B alee110 Arlene Lee Zephyr135 Zephyr135 C++ Stuff
Elliot Kwan Team K A ekwan10 Elliot ElliotK ElliotKwan ElliotTheGuy
Oleksandr Snurnikov Team D B osnurnikov Oleksandr admix admix _Geek's Life
Prabhleen Bhupal Team F B pkbhupal Prabhleen Pkbhupal Pkbhupal Prabhleen Bhupal's Blog
Christopher Markieta Team J A cmarkieta Christopher Markieta Markieta Markieta Markieta
Zhenyang Chen Team J B zchen91 Zhenyang Chen crans crans Leash
Chisa Takata Team H A ctakata Chisa Takata chisat chisat ctakata
Dimple Amin Team F A dkamin Dimple Kaushal Amin dkamin dkamin Dimple's blogs on OOP344
Thanushaa Thaninayagam Team A B tthaninayagam Thanushaa Thaninayagam tthanushaa tthaninayagam Thanushaa's Blog
Matt MacEachern Team D A mcmaceachern Matthew Conner Maceachern mcmaceachern mcmaceachern Matt's Blog
Dmitry Yastremskiy Team M A dyastremskiy Dmitry Yastremskiy Hamabama Hamabama Hamabama's world
Chiyoung Choi Team F A cchoi12 Chiyoung Choi Chris_Choi chris_choi Chris' Programming
Ramirez Jose Team L A jmramirez1 Jose Ramirez jmramirez jmramirez C++ and a little More
Matthew Torrance Team A A mstorrance Matthew Scott Torrance mstorrance MatthewTorrance

Matthew's C++ Blog

Yoav Gurevich Team M A ygurevich Yoav Gurevich Schmurzen yoavgurevich Yoav Gurevich's OOP344 Blog
Omkar Parmar Team M A onparmar onparmar onparmar onparmar

C++ OOP Programming

Seong Geun Yoon Team E B sgyoon Seong Geun Yoon sgyoon sgyoon C++ programming
Jaejin Lee Team H B jlee334 Jaejin Lee jaeijn jaejinlee Jaejin's Blog
Kevin Sidhu Team G B kssidhu1 Kevin Sidhu Coios Coios

Kevin Codes

Mohammad-Reza Akbari Team N B makbari11 Mohammad-Reza Akbari reza_akbari mohammad-reza-akbari Reza's Blog